Ala di Stura (Italy)   


Ala di Stura is a small village of middle-age origin, it lies at an altitudelies of about 1000 meters on the Italian western Alps in the region of Piedmont. Here the union of the two rivers: Stura di Ala and Stura di Viù, originates the Stura di Lanzo, a stony bottom alpine stream characterized by low temperature and good flow.

After sipping an espresso at the bar terrace at the end of asphalt road, we start a walk through the meadows, breating the fragrance of the alpine vegetation carried by the fresh breeze. Our goal is the fly fishing no kill zone of Ala fishing "Tre Ponti" (last info 2015).

The no kill section begins approximately at the pedestrian bridge. There are some ropes, hanging on the rocky face at the opposite bank, to climb down to the river. Likely a good fishing spot.

The green pools that we see upstream convince us to walk on, disregarding the place with the rope. But there is no way to access the river from the steep bank. We decide to keep the pools for later, fishing them from the opposite bank and we follow the path further.

The path proceeds along the steep bank for a couple of hundred meters before reaching again the level of the river. It is there where we will start wetting lines.

We tie our favourite nymphs to the leader and start the action, alternating green pools to rapid currents. We catch some nice sized brownies. Most have the distinctive signs of fresh stocked fish.

The waterflow is good, the water just a bit hazy for the recent rain but perfectly fishable. The sourroundings lush and gorgeous.

The bottom is saturated with caddis larvae, indicator of the good quality of the water.

While the nymph is dragged by a white foamy current, a strong and combactive fish is hooked.

A wonderful 45 cm. Marmorata (marbled) trout. A well fit fish with perfect fins that goes back swimming in the river.

We fish with heavy nymphs some more pools through the woods, with alternating results.

We decide to skip some pools (we will fish them on the way back) and walk further, to have a look at the river beyond the no kill zone, outside of the stocked fish area. Heavy clouds hang on the sourrounding mountain and the temperature gets chilly as we move up the silent valley.

Upstream of the no kill section, the river runs through bushy banks and the path disappears into the woods. We catch trout here too, always on weighted nymphs. The trout are here smaller and they are all in perfect shape and with the characteristics of the wild fish. The place would deserve a further exploration but it is getting late and we intended to fish a possible coup de soir at the deep pools downstream.

Walking the way back we have time to admire the bizarre architectural arrangement of an ancient barn. Back at the river we comb a few pools that we had skipped on the way up. Meanwhile the weather turns rainy.

While all around us heavy clouds are summoning, we reach the pools. The last sun rays that make it through the dark sky, shine like a spotlight on the place we are going to fish. Just the time to cross the bridge and a mid heavy rain begins to fall.

The weather does not seem to disturb the fish, that is in full activity and feeding from mid depth to the surface. Dragging nymphs return a fish at almost any cast. The majority of the trout that we catch in these pools is clearly stocked fish. As the rain gets heavier and thunders start roaring, we decide to leave for a deserved cappuccino and a nice dinner, still fond of the beatiful alpine landscape.
Last updated info year 2015: The no kill permit can be purchased at the tobacco shop in the village of Ala di Stura. Always check on the permit the exact borders of the no kill zone. Recommended tackle 9-10 feet for 4 to 5 fly line
